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Created by Codebreaker Technologies,
Presented by Umemba Health

Helping organizations optimize influence and impact to improve communication skills, build and strengthen relationships, and advance leadership competency.


Making people matter by making them feel seen, heard, loved, valued, and appreciated.

Making People Matter

Imagine what life could be like if we mastered the science of communication, connection, and building solid relationships. Enter the B.A.N.K. methodology! B.A.N.K is a groundbreaking, practical, and scientifically-validated system based on values and personality intelligence.

The B.A.N.K. methodology has been proven to predict behavior through personality typing, helping you to understand yourself better so you can optimize your influence and impact! Using B.A.N.K helps you to foster understanding of the different needs and traits of each personality type, so you can serve them better. 

B.A.N.K changes the way we communicate and connect with one another, thus the way we do business. It is personality based, profit focused, people centered, and purpose driven. All the things that are most important to your organization. 

In our industry, connections are pivotal to personal and professional success. You CAN improve your relationships with clients, colleagues, stakeholders, and community members, and we can help. Our Make People Matter trainings can help your organization build strong relationships, foster genuine connections, and leverage influence.


Through the B.A.N.K methodology, we empower individuals with the knowledge and strategies required to elevate their interactions and make lasting impact. Inquire about our training workshops below.

Are you ready to make people matter?


Complete the form below and get our training brochure and BANK overview delivered to your inbox.

Increase Your ROI=Return on Impact!

Request an info session, workshop, or keynote on one or more of our signature workshops in our new Transformative Leadership Series. Now booking for Q3!

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